mercredi 17 juillet 2013

From the country side to the Ocean

Driving from the country side to San Diego: A big adventure! We drove through Phoenix, that city is like an oven.  We arrived there with 120°F and went straight into a mall to escape the heat. The next day, we had to leave; we couldn’t stay longer there… So we took the road again driving through the desert. Unfortunately, our van and the traffic didn’t help us! We broke down 3 times and stayed 4 hours in a traffic jam! Luckily, strong soldiers help us to move the van at a safe place…

Once in San Diego we met our friend Silvan with who we spent our winter skiing with in Canada. It was perfect to have a friend as a tour guide and who showed us all the good surf spots and the city!
In Pacific Beach, we met another guy: Colin. He just moved in his new apartment and he still missed a lot of stuff in house. So we found the solution, we traded him our 2 bikes for a shower and the restrooms every day! And that’s what we did… This gentleman hosted us for our two weeks in San Diego for the trade of our 2 bikes! We spent two amazing weeks in the area: surfing, biking, golfing, the zoo, museums, Coronado Island, chilling on the beach, partying and enjoying our time there!
Unfortunately, we feel the end of our trip… We had to sell our van… Yes we did! Our beauty is not anymore in our hands, we sold it but for a good price. We can be happy because it is not easy to sell a Canadian car in California. Luckily the dealer agreed to do all the paper works to register it.

lundi 1 juillet 2013

Lake Powel and Grand Canyon!

When we left Monument Valley and checked on the map with the road we had to  take to go to the Grand Canyon, we saw that there was a huge lake “on the way”! It’s was still a detour from 250miles but we really wanted to jump in a cool lake and hang out one day next to Lake Powell. Actually we were thinking about renting a small motor boat. Afterwards, we saw that it wasn’t in our budget so we used our arms as a motor, and rented a kayak! We paddled for hours through the huge lake between all the big boats and jet-skies… Fortunately we had our kayak to discover beautiful small islands and cliffs from which we had a lot of fun…Now let’s go to the natural Disneyland “Grand Canyon”! We did all the overlook points to enjoy the scenery of the crazy canyon, but yeah: it’s like if you are in the middle of nowhere but at the same time you have 100 people who surrounded you! You have to fight to be at the front against the fence to have a picture without cameras, cell phones or even Ipads on it!
The second day there, we decided to go hiking into the canyon and escape the crowd, and that was way better! It was hard not only because of the heat but also because we are not use to hiking like that. “Usually” when we hike on a mountain, it gets cooler progressively when you get higher. When you are tired you can always walk down… In a canyon when you walk down, you are not really tired, but it get’s warmer at the bottom! Once at the bottom you have to walk all the way up again! Luckily we saw a lot of wildlife: Male Elks, Condors…

jeudi 27 juin 2013

Arches Park and Monument Valley

We drive, we drive and cross a lot of states! We arrive almost at 10’000km on the road since the beginning of our trip. We crossed: British Colombia, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah !! We even didn’t realize that we changed of time zone once in Utah!

Pfffouaa, even in Arches it’s still pretty hot! With more than 35°C it’s hard to hike! But when you see the arches pictures you don’t have a choice! Steven takes his backpack full of bottles of water, Rogier his crutches and there we go! You want to see that with your own eyes. After a few hikes and tired legs we had to go to the van for sleeping… Unfortunately, even at night it’s more than 25°C not easy to find the sleep and the morning at 7 the sun slaps your face: no choice we had to wake up and enjoy the landscapes.
When you have time and no idea where to drive it’s not that easy to make a decision which road to take: Right or left!?  We found the solution to make it easier; we play “heads or tails”!
“Heads” brought us to the Monument Valley!
To visit Monument Valley, it’s an unpaved road that you have to take and drive around the rocks. We were very scared, afraid our van couldn’t do it and follow the big US 4x4 trucks! The van survived, even if we took 2.5 hours to do the loop instead of 1.5 hours... As we wrote before, we have time and we enjoy even if it takes a bit longer.
“Heads” took us also through an Indian reserve. Real Navajos (native people), live still with horses, in the middle of the desert; make dream catchers which they try to sell next to the road!

mercredi 26 juin 2013

Valley of fire, Zion National park, Brice Park

Back in nature! 
We drove through Valley of fire to discover the red rocks, and that was only the beginning of a couple beautiful national parks! Unfortunately, the American deserts and the heat round 120°F, 45°C is a way to warm for us and also for the van! We “Winter Boys” and Canadian Van sometimes need a rest to cool down! So we take the opportunity to take a nap, play American football or just enjoy the scenery for 30 min before taking the road again!  Afterword, we went for a quick check in a garage to be sure that nothing is wrong with the engine. The mechanic explained us that our beauty was just tired cause of the heat and that could happen with old vehicles. He told us also that we should change the brake pads!  That’s what we did because the people on the sidewalk started to look weird at us when we braked…
Unfortunately, in Zion national park, Steven had to discover the canyon by himself… Roger couldn’t follow him in the water with his crutches. But his wound healed quickly; in Bryce Canyon park he had to see the crazy rocks on a sketchy trails. The adrenaline to see those nice sceneries helped a lot and he went down the trail!
Both parks are really amazing and different. In Zion you can hike to reach the huge cliffs which dominate the valley and walk in the river through the canyon to discover how the water sculpted the rock! All those colours and huge cliffs made us realize that we are really small compared nature. In Bryce the park is smaller but the area is crazy. Like thousands small red towers in the slopes. Every single tower is geologically unique so when you walk through thousands of them the impression is really amazing.

On the way to Capitol Reef, our van was too excited to go over there… it drove a couple mile/h too fast… And yeah, a big grey truck passed us with blue and red lights! We stop judiciously next to the road… (the cop came next to our van…)

- Hey guys, how are you doing?
- Petty good, thanks! (more scary about the new)
- You know way I stop you ?
- Mmh, maybe because I drove a bit too fast trough the village…
- Yes Sir! You drove 40miles/h instead of 35miles/h!
- Possible, I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention…
- Can I have you driving licence and the papers of the car?
- Here it is.
- (after the check) On the paper it’s written that your van is “blue”… It’s more white no!?
- I don’t know sir; the insurance gave it us like that… I mean it’s also a bit pink and green…
- Anyways, you know that the ticket is $115!?
- Poha, that’s a lot, that’s what I paid yesterday to fix my brakes!
- I’m not allowed to do that but, I will keep that ticket and give you a warning!
- Thank you very much!
- Where are you coming from?
- We started in Canada and wander through the USA!
- Nice! And you meet a lot of American girls hein!? haha (is he serious!?)
- haha, not really here in the area…
- No!? Go to the next gas station on the right! There is a nice blond chick behind the desk!
- Haha thanks for your advice sir!
- No worries guys have a nice trip and drive more slowly!
- We will, have a good day!
That’s what happened when a police man arrest us! Isn’t it that crazy !?

Finally we arrived in Capitol Reef, it’s a less famous park but also less crowded! We found some nice spots to hike and also discover an animal we have never seen, the “Prairie dog”!

jeudi 20 juin 2013

Las Vegas $$ !

After this accident and lots of nights in the van or in a tent, we thought: let’s take a good hotel in Vegas to rest and enjoy: a good shower, air conditioning, swimming pool, SPA, clubs, casinos, restaurants, fitness center…! Direction the pyramid of Luxor! We had all what is necessary to rest but it was just impossible, this city is just crazy!
A last meeting with Arnaud and Fiona allowed us to drive on the strip with a convertible mustang! Looks more fancy/gangsta than our van!
Rogier tried one evening to walk form one casino to the other one with those “US under arms crutches” but it was impossible! I thought, now that we are in Vegas, let’s do it lux: “let’s rent a wheelchair!” It was way easier to drink a beer and go from one slot machine to the other one! (Thanks to Steven who was agree to push me on Las Vegas blvd, freemont str, Casinos…)
Lights everywhere, night clubs and bars open all the nights, thousands of tourists you never rest you in Vegas. Just crossing the road you can have a beer for 1$ or 10$. We tried to gamble but when people saw our maximum bet was 1$ and they were at least at 20$ we understood we were not at the same level… we brought our cash and visited the bars.

Now we can leave Vegas and we are both happy to leave the craziness and going to the national parks for a couple of weeks more quiet.