mardi 21 mai 2013

North California

We really wanted to reach California that day, so we looked at the map and the biggest city at the border from Oregon and California was Crescent City…” Let’s go there for the night before going to Redwood National Park”
Once there, a nice BBQ next to the ocean was perfect until…
We realised that there were a lot of strange people in that city, even weird! All angry, when you cross them on the sidewalk, they look at you like they are going to kill someone! So we thought let’s go out of downtown to park our van in a quiet neighbourhood for the night. Once in bed, a lot of police cars and fire-fighters drove next to our van full pelt! Around 11pm we heard “Boom Boom Booom Boom” : Gun shots in the neighbourhood ! But as two strong Swiss soldiers we even weren’t afraid!
-No, actually we left the city the next morning as soon as possible. We even heard a couple days later that Crescent City has a dangerous prison!

In the Redwoods national park we felt again a bit safer and enjoyed the nature and those amazing trees!
We left road 101 and took the highway 1 for following the coast. That was one of the most beautiful roads we’ve taken. A road with about 7000 curves and steep (up to 16%) and 8h for 200miles but like a dream!

We took up a new sport during our trip: Golfing in beautiful spots! Doesn’t sound that nice!? We bought a golf club in a thrift shop (1$) and a basket of golf balls in a driving ranch (5$)!

In our travel guide, we read that somewhere north of San Francisco a small hippie, surf village was nice to visit. But during the 80s the locals took down all the traffic signs so they could grow marijuana more secretly. Now the signs are still missing but it’s more to keep it hidden from the tourists! When you read that, the only goal you have is to figure out where that village is!  And we found it!
Small village called Bolinas with 500 inhabitants! The only pub in the village was amusing. Everybody was friendly and it wasn’t a problem to be tourists. We know now all the village’s stories and history.
The next day, we surfed alone on the beach and even a seal joined us!

4 commentaires:

  1. strong soldiers ??? Ah ah

    belles images , j'espère que vous ramenerez toutes vos photos et films...

  2. Whats up guys. Have a good trip, I saw you in Santa Barbara near the hostel yesterday.

  3. Around how much did your van cost you to fix when it broke down?
    I am planning a very similar trip and can't decide on taking me van (same as yours) or my 1996 jeep cherokee.

  4. Hi Emily! It's hard to say! When it broke down first we just changed the oil and the tires because the were dead so we just paid like 120$. But they didn't find out what the problem was so we had no idea what to change and how much we could have to pay. So we broke down again a couple of times and still have no idea what is the matter!

    Sorry to don't be able to help you!
